
Monday, July 16, 2012

What's this? A webcomic?

Sort of. These are some of the character sketches from a comic project I'm working on. I've decided to post it online so by the most basic definition it is, technically, a webcomic. It's more-or-less kid friendly so you don't have to worry about any salty language or cartoon boobery. I considered releasing it in Hi-Def 3D, would've even settled for Smell-O-Vision®, but it looks like it'll probably just be in regular old blog format. I'll have more to say about it when it finally launches, and I'm hoping that'll be before the end of the month. Until then, feel free to speculate about this collection of oddballs. And remember to stop back to find out all the details. -v


  1. This looks interesting I'll keep a eye on it.

    1. Thanks Shawn (and Beth). Jeez, I hope I'm not building the suspense up beyond what's reasonable for the project. Like I said, I'll be posting more details soon and I hope it's worth the wait. However it shakes out, thanks for your interest! -v

  2. No pressure, you'll just be in serious trouble if you don't deliver.

    1. Ah, yeah, see? This is exactly what I'm afraid of. This is why I live under a rock. -v


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