I happened to notice one of my favorite YA novels, Powerless by Matt Cody, was recently released in paperback and it inspired me to do another illustration. If you haven't read the book yet, first of all...why not?!? Secondly, I won't ruin any surprises for you by explaining anything about this image. But if you've read Powerless you know this is something that happens somewhere around chapter nine.
I've been thinking about doing this illustration for a while now, ever since reading the book. And to be completely honest, this scene doesn't actually take place in the written text. It's something you have to infer while reading about some other, related action. And that's the thing about Powerless. Not only does the written text create vivid pictures in your mind's eye, but the stuff that happens between the lines inspires visual imagery so real that it really gives you the sense of being there, in the book, side by side with the characters.
Visit Matt Cody's site here. And buy Powerless in paperback here.
And here's another thing I recently found out -- I'm psychic. Because months ago when I read Powerless I told my friends, "If they don't screw it up, this would be an incredible movie." And it looks like my prediction may soon come to pass as Powerless has been optioned for the screen. I guess there are probably a zillion hurdles to jump between a book being optioned and the movie finally being made, but I'm hoping for a smooth transition from paper to screen. And, to tell you the truth, it couldn't happen to a nicer guy. I had the pleasure of meeting Matt Cody at last year's New York Comicon and I can't say enough nice things about him -- talented, generous with his time, smart, kind...tall. Very tall. For the three friends and I who went to the Comicon that weekend, Matt made it a very special visit and I don't think I thanked him enough.
So thanks again, Matt, wherever you are (hopefully polishing off the final draft of a Powerless sequel if my psychic abilities aren't on the blink). -v

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